I was so excited to try this out since theres no other program that I could find that does what this claims to do. Well, it doesnt do it. Along with the other complaints if an incredibly of the measly plant selection and the inability to truly customize a custom plant, it just DOESNT WORK. For example, I switched it to "snap to grid mode" not realizing it wouldnt suit my layout style. Well, its not possible to change it back. Not even by completely starting it over. My garden is not in strict square footage so the layouts are basically useless to me now. Add in the fact that before discovering that I learned once you put a plant down, more often than not it will not let you delete said plant if you put it down someplace inadvertently, no matter how many times you press the delete button. Had to start over from scratch.
If this program worked on even the most basic level, it would be fantastic and incredibly useful. Please please get this working or someone out there develop another program like it!!
Kleptosidewinder about Grow Planner